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We are consulting engineers and experts in structural dynamics. Primarily we are involved with the effect of dynamics on structures, with measurement, calculation and assessment of vibrations.
Specialised and versatile
With our focus on structural dynamics we have gained a wealth of experience in dealing with vibration problems. Due to the variety of tasks we have developed innovative solutions in the area of structural dynamics. Read more about our innovative concepts in our rubric Services.
Theory and practice
Our special instrumentation allows both calculation of a building's dynamical characteristics and analysis based on vibration measurements. With our capacity of instruments and specific software we are able to conduct measurements precisely and assess vibrations according to DIN and other regulations. We are also well-equipped for simulating and predicting vibrations, as well as performing high quality modal analysis.
The quality of our engineering services can be measured by the economic viability as well as the reliability of our results and above all on the excellent client service. We are proud to satisfy our clients demands with our certified quality assurance system. We keep our staff member's skills always upgraded to the state of the art and we are also involved in the development of DIN standards and VDI regulations being active in various committees. Read more about it in our rubric Principles.
Around the world
We are active worldwide. The special solutions we offer and our expertise in the field of structural dynamics is recognised all over the world.
Among our clients you find
- Global Foundries
- Deutsche Bahn AG
- Siemens
- Eiffage Rail
- Infineon
and many others.